It’s a Boy!

| November 20, 2020 | 0 Comments

My son, Danny and daughter-in-law Kaitlyn gathered us all on FaceTime last Friday to announce the fact that their baby, due in April, will be a boy.

I was driving to deliver food for the SHARE program and was instructed to pull the car over. Miraculously, a very convenient turnoff appeared before me at that moment on Little River Turnpike in Bethesda. Typically, it was a little more difficult to get Rita off a work call. But Bridget was present and accounted for. She was vibrating with excitement.

They announced it was a boy. Suddenly, things got real. Once you know the sex of the child, you can start imagining life with this new person in your midst. It’s big!

Danny got the call while he was emptying his office on his last official day working for Rep. Joe Kennedy. He starts working for Rep. Debbie Dingell on Monday.

As it happened, Joe was in the office, also moving stuff out. Joe offered Danny his private office to receive the call, which Danny accepted. After a time, Joe came back in to gather his last few items. He said later that his enduring memory of his last moments in his congressional office will be the sight of Danny in tears on his couch.

I suspect that Joe would like to think that Danny was grieving over the end of his experience working for Joe, and there might have been a bit of that. But the real reason for the tears was his contemplation of the beginning of his new life as the father of a baby boy.

Category: Uncategorized

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