As goes Litchfield…
My team is working the town of Litchfield, about 10 miles outside of Manchester. In many ways, it is quintessential New Hampshire. A large number of “Undeclared, i.e. Independdent” voters who have voted Republican in the past, but more Democratic in recent years. It’s a testament to the number of volunteers that Obama has that he can even send people to a town like this. Very little activity by the other candidate. We are a group of about 10 fanning out every day. None of our group had seen evidence of the other campaigns(some have been here for a week). Yesterday, there was some Clinton literature spotted and we did finally see one lonely Romney canvasser. He told us he envied the fact that we were canvassing with cars. He was apparently dropped in the morning and left to fend for himself.
The reception I got from my doorknocking varied. A good number of “not homes.” Most people are polite, to varying degrees. “Thank you, but I haven’t made up my mind yet.” The smallest number are either terribly rude or thrilled to see me.
My two favorite rude comments were as follows:
“I would vote for my dog, before I’d vote for a Democrat!” Seems in the North, we have yellow dog Republicans.
To my question, any chance you’ll vote for Obama? “Not a f(*&(^en chance in Hell!”
Fortunately, those comments were few. An most of the canvassers detected a shift toward Obama over the last few days. Many undecideds coming our way. This is totally unscientific, but, we’ll be watching the returns from Litchfield closely.
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