Today’s Favorite Before 9

| May 25, 2010 | 1 Comment
In order to keep the content flowing to this blog, I’m introducing a new feature, my Favorite Before 9.  It will be a post of my favorite online article, post, video, etc. that I discover in my first pass of the blogs each morning before the day begins.

Today’s is a doozy.  Congressman Rob Simmons is about to drop out of the Senate race in Connecticut, leaving the nomination to nutcase, Linda McMahon, the CEO of the Worldwide Wrestling Federation (on the left in the picture), continuing a trend in which Republican primary voters seem to be out of their minds.  Maybe Obama just makes them crazy.  There’s hope for November.

Daily Kos has a nice analysis.

Political pop quiz: You are the Connecticut Republican Party, the nation’s richest state and a solid Democratic stronghold. Your Democratic opponent has been busted (fairly or not) for lying or exaggerating his military service during the Vietnam War. Do you:

  1. Nominate a decorated Vietnam War vet, retired Colonel, and winner of two Bronze Stars, with a proven track record of winning elections in tough political terrain
  1. Nominate the teabagger co-founder of the WWE

Category: Daily Favorites

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  1. Nicholas F. Kowalski says:


    I love the new "Favorite before 9" feature. I tried to read your posts in my Google Reader at least once per week.

    Your posts about the Catholic church have been especially intriguing. As a non-practicing Catholic, your thoughts have been extremely insightful for someone like myself who has always felt torn about such issues.

    Keep up the good posts. I'm reading!

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