Archie’s House

| July 18, 2016 | 0 Comments
Bill, Richard & Bob in front of our ancestral home in Ballygill on Rathlin Island

Bill, Richard & Bob in front of our ancestral home in Ballygill on Rathlin Island

Archibald Black left Rathlin Island in 1848 to escape the Great Famine.  He’s the ancestor who brought the Black family to America.  We visited the house he left.

On the way over, we discussed the evidence that this home was, in fact, the source.  Richard, who is normally very skepticcal, chastised me for raising the question.  Bob explained that he had been researching our family tree for more than 40 years.  And he was convinced.  So there.

In 1968, our grand uncle, Brother Jason (a Xaverian Brother) and two of our uncles, Eddie and Vinnie Black, visited Rathlin.  During that visit, they came to this place and it was occupied by a woman named Mrs. Susan Black.   While they couldn’t find a direct connection, they were convinced, almost by process of elimination, that this was our ancestral home where Archibald lived.   The fact is that there are simply not that many other possibilities.  That a woman named Black lived here, was a pretty good indication of our heritage.

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