Jay-Z Concert – The Setup

| November 5, 2016 | 0 Comments

I was assigned to be an usher at the Jay-Z Concert as part of the GOTV program in Cleveland.  I took as just another assignment and even told my “boss” that I had no real interest in seeing the concert.  Not a big fan of rap.  Fortunately, he disregarded my “sacrifice” and I did get to see the concert.  It was pretty amazing, but more about that in a later post.

Volunteers gathered at 3:15 pm.  Doors were scheduled to open at 5;00 pm, concert begins at 8:00 pm.  The first couple of hours consisted of getting trained and mostly milling around.  My team was responsible for converting the campaign-issued tickets to official venue tickets with scannable bar codes. We were stationed in front of the security stations and make the exchange.  My job was to stand inside the security perimeter and supply the other members with the tickets they needed.  So, I floated.

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Category: Politics, Travel

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