Coronavirus Journal
We are well into the pandemic and I’ve been keeping a journal. I find that one of the activities that makes me feel like I’ve done something useful while sheltering in place is writing. And it doesn’t matter if anyone reads my writing. Just the act of writing seems to lift my mood. Oh, let me correct that to paraphrase the famous line about writing. The act of HAVING written lifts the mood more than the writing itself.
I also think that writing in a public forum as opposed to a private journal, enhances the experience since it forces a bit of discipline into the process. So, yesterday, I spent a few hours reviving this blog. It turns out a year of total neglect opened it to a massive amount of malware making it non-functional. It took a lot of tech support and a little money to get it back up and running. And here it is. Now, it will serve to haunt me into posting in hopes that I eventually write something worthy of a public blog.
I must say that reading posts from the beginning of this blog shows I had a bit of a knack. Interesting stuff. I wonder if I still have it. Also, a blog is kind of a gadget freak’s dream. Lots to learn about the back end technology. That might be fun. Although, I fear that fiddling with the technology might give me another excuse to avoid actually creating content for the blog. Whatever. It’s something do do in quarantine. And since I’m pretty sure that nobody will ever read this stuff, I am free to do whatever the hell I want. So, there’s that.
Category: Uncategorized