Come and Get Your Love, Chapter 2

| April 24, 2024 | 0 Comments
The Official Music Video of Come and Get Your Love

A couple of years ago, I did a series of posts on great musical moments in movies. These were scenes in which the movie incorporates a piece of music into a scene that captures and emphasizes the emotion that the movie is evoking. I absolutely love it when a movie does that well. I am invariably moved to tears and not necessarily because the scene is sad. It is just the artistic power of combing storytelling with the exact right song that touches me so deeply.

One of my favorites of these kinds of moments is from the movie, Guardians of the Galaxy. The movie begins with the main character as a 10 year old child at his mother’s deathbed. He refuses to take her hand and runs out of the house in grief. He is then beamed up to a spaceship.

The scene switches to a very dark ominous place, some kind of ruin, with a spaceman character walking cautiously through the rubble. Suddenly, the mood changes and the song Come and Get Your Love blasts on the soundtrack and the credits start rolling.

I’ve already spoiled too much, so I’ll stop there. But it’s a brilliant use of music to set the tone of a movie. Click here to read the post and watch the scene.

Well, here we are, two years later and we have “the rest of the story,” as old timey radio man, Paul Harvey, used to say.

The song, Come and Get Your Love, was recorded by a band called Redbone in 1974. The band was comprised of American Indians. In order to mark the 50th anniversary of the song, NPR did a story on the song and the band. It’s a fascinating account of how the band was formed and some challenges they faced due to their heritage. It also has a link to a video of the band performing the song that begins with one of the band members doing an amazing tradition Indian dance.

Check it out.

The endurance of the song is reflected in the fact that they only did an official music video after the movie. That is posted above and includes references to the movie and the band’s Indian heritage. Funky, but good.


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