Live Blogging a Panel on Campaign 2008

| May 8, 2008 | 0 Comments

Today, I will be live blogging a panel on Campaign 2008 being held at the Council on Foriegn Relations in New York. Paul Johnson, Vice Chairman of Fleishman Hillard will be moderating the event whose participants will include, Mickey Kantor, Vice Chair of the Clinton Campaign, Jim Margolis of GMMB, a chief strategist for the Obama campaign and Kieran Mahoney, principle of Mercury Public Affairs which consults for the McCain Campaign. Also on the panel will be former Senator Jim Talent (R-MO) and former Representative Max Sandlin (D-TX).

The panel will commence sometime afternoon, so be sure to check back then to get real-time posts.

It promises to be a lively event.

Category: Uncategorized

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