The O’Donovans

| June 27, 2008 | 1 Comment

Our destination in Cork was the O’Donovans house, Jerry and Peggy. Many members of my family have visited Peggy and Jerry, as they are rumored to be distant relatives. I haven’t been able to establish for certain whether the relationship exists, but it has become irrelevant. They are so welcoming and so many have dropped by, that we’ve stopped obsessing over the relationship. That said, if a relationship exists, it would be that my great grandmother is sister to Jerry’s great grandmother. The evidence is that they had the same last name, Regan.

Here’s their house. It is surrounded by beautiful gardens, with a fenced in yard on the left for Jerry’s three ponies. “Just a hobby,” he says. They also have two little terrier dogs. One played Toto in the local production of The Wizard of Oz and would have to be picked up every evening by cab to be ferried to his performance.

The house was full when we arrived with friends and family. And Peggy put out a massive spread of food.

Lots of laughter and catching up on the “family.”

We also talked politics. They abhor Bush, so we obviously got on well politically. Ever time it was suggested that they visit us in the states, Jerry would say, in his thick Irish brogue, “After Bush is gone.”

The also all voted no on the Lisbon treaty. It was fascinating listening to their reasoning, particularly after hearing the “pro” from most of my colleagues with Fleishman Hillard.

It was a warm vist and we’ve clearly made friends for life, whether or not they are family.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Mary, Margaret & Catherine O’Regan were sisters. Mary is our great grandmother, married an O’Mahoney and had Catherine, Ellie, Minnie Maggie aka Margaret or Ma, our grandmother, Michael and Cornelius.
    Mary’s O’Regan’s sister, Catherine, became an O’Leary. Catherine O’Leary was Brother Richard’s grandmother and John O’Donovan’s grandmother. So, Brother Richard and John O’Donovan were siblings and John O’Donovan was Jerry O’Donvan’s father. If I follow this right, Jerry O’Donovan’s great,great-grandparents and our great , great grandparents are one in the same…John O’Regan & female (Driscoll) O’Regan, who begot Mary(our great grandmother), Margaret and Catherine (Jerry’s great grandmother.

    Ma’s “Aunt Catherine” would be Jerry O’Donovan’s grandmother

    Your confusing, Cousin Virginia

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