Stotesbury Regatta
I’m spending the day at the Stotebury Regatta in Philadelpha, reportedly the largest high school regatta in the U.S. It is quite a scene. An endless row of tents along the river. Barbeque grilles firing up. Groups of kids in sleeping bags, presumably after sleeping overnight outdoor the night before.
I’m watching the time trials now, boats are going by our little camp, one after another, some with 2 rowers, some with four, some with eight. Regular reports from the loudspeaker announcing schools that cross the line.
Our tent is clearly in the Washington regional section. A large number of local schools are represented, Gonzaga, Sidwell, McLean, etc., etc.
It’s a beautiful day, perfect for rowing….and watching.
Category: Personal
Lucky you, as a father, for such pleasurable times. Treasure them.