Going to Ireland

| July 7, 2016 | 0 Comments

Today, I leave for Ireland.  It will be my third visit, the first without the family.  I will be accompanied by my two cousins, Bob and Richard Black.  Their father, Bob Black, was my father’s brother.  We will be gathering in Dublin.  We’ll spend a couple of days in the capital and then head north to Rathlin Island, the point of departure for Archibald Black in 1846 and thus began the Black’s American saga.  We will be staying as guests of the Black Family Singers whose most famous member is Mary Black.  Our host will be Michael Black, who lives in San Francisco but returns to Rathlin every summer.  Not sure whether any other of his family members will be there.

We’ll leave Rathlin on Tuesday and head for Galway which will be holding its annual arts festival, purportedly the biggest such festival in Ireland.

I return to Boston on Friday, July 15 in time for my brother’s wedding on the 16th.

This will be a trip unlike any other international trip I’ve taken.  Watch this space for further updates and, I hope, some good pictures.

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